The Joy of Giving


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“Love grows by giving. The love we give away is the only love we keep”.

We encounter so many moments, when we start realizing the true meaning of life and its impact on others.  One such moment comes with the “joy of giving”.

Helping someone out who is less fortunate than you should be one of the basic human traits. Giving may not always be about money or wealth. Generosity is just one of the aspects of giving. It’s a lot more to do with kindness, helpfulness, unselfishness, sacrifice, service, love etc.

We all know how great it feels to receive gifts. However, the joy of getting is short-lived. Our lives are made richer when we share, and that great inner joy comes from helping others to better their lives. When we do good to others, we receive great happiness.

Giving takes you out of yourself and allows you to expand beyond material limitations. Mother Teresa is a famous example. She found fulfilment in giving of herself to others. She helped change many a life from distress and fear to calmness and serenity.

In our lives we have received so much from other people—parents, friends, teachers, relatives, strangers etc. but we never forget that many a times help arrived from those quarters from where you had least expected.

It has been my experience that when you’re motivated on giving to others you’re less likely to become consumed by your own worries and challenges. Giving provides an occasion to look beyond our own world and see the bigger picture.

Giving is one of the best investments you can make towards achieving genuine happiness. When you give to another unselfishly, the vibrational energy emitting from your subconscious is at its strongest. If you find yourself feeling unhappy, try making someone else happy and see what happens. If you’re feeling empty and unfulfilled, try doing some meaningful and worthwhile work and see how you feel.

When we give, we reap the joy of seeing a bright smile, laughter, tears of joy and gratitude for life.

The Joy of Giving week is celebrated from 2nd October till 8th October. It is also known as Daan Utsav in India – a festival of philanthropy, where people , Corporates, NGO’s and various other sectors, engage in CSR through “acts of giving”, either with money, time or resources.

Wishing you much love in the “Joy of Giving Week”

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