Happy 2021

Whew, what a year 2020 has been!!!

Finally it’s on its way out teaching us some really harsh but necessary lessons.

The most important one being that we all have infinite reserves of inner strength that can see us through challenging times.

Let me begin by saying a prayer for the millions lives lost this year. May you be at peace wherever you are.

A huge gratitude to God and all of God’s helpers with their selfless service and who made life breathable for many of us- So grateful to be alive.

Having said that I know what I would like my 2021 to be like. For one, I don’t want to plan anything in the coming year. I just want to be able to live each day of my life fully, without fear, with lots of gratitude and in the knowledge that whatever is meant for me will make its way towards me and I want to welcome that with open arms, open heart and an open mind.

Wishing you all a wonderful & happy 2021. May you Live and Give Lovingly.

Good health, Peace and Prosperity wished to all of you

Madhavi ❤

My Debut Book-HIRAETH

It always seems impossible until it’s done!


And it is available on various e-commerce platforms

I’ve been writing this for a few months now, unsure at first, if I even wanted it to be printed.
But if 2020 taught me anything at all, it was to listen to the nudging of my heart and chase my dreams, no matter how absurd they may sound to anyone else.

So here it is -my first ever self-published book Hiraeth.
A book of poetic verses which is split into 3 sections- Her world, Ephemeral and Twin Flames.

The poems compiled in the book capture the different nuances of love. This book and every word, every line that I poured out of my heart, putting it out into the world, is a gift to myself more than anything else.

Currently available on Amazon India

and on Notion Press

The link for international e-commerce sites and kindle version will be shared shortly.

Thank you and looking forward to your support.


Calling back my Power

I have spent so many years selflessly offering every bit of me to those who took all of my offerings for granted.
I spent countless hours thinking about others’ need that I forgot I had needs of my own too.
I spent all of my energy chasing people who ignored me when I needed them to walk with me.
I spent all my tears on the pain I didn’t deserve to endure.
I let my feet dance to the tune of others.
I allowed my hands to be tied with doing the work for others.
I buried my dreams alive under society’s reality.
I lowered myself to standards so that I would fit in.
I succumbed to self doubt, lack, fear and insecurity.
I stumbled, I fell and lay on the ground and sighed.
Gazing up at the stars, that looked so beautiful, floating in the darkness.
I was losing my spark because I was too distant from myself.
It was time to free my hands and stop dancing to the rhythm of others.
It was time to look within my soul.
It was time to make things right.
I don’t regret anything I did or the mistakes I made.
It was a journey of self discovery to finding the woman I am today.
It has made me who I am.
I want to build myself from ground zero.
I want to bloom to new heights.
Today, I call all of my power.
Back to me.  


Be your own kind of beautiful

me bl wh

Hey you, you are beautiful!

And you know what makes you so?

It’s the pure love shining bright from your eyes.

That’s what real beauty is.

Don’t go by the people who body shame you, or the people who mock at your sense of dressing or who ridicule you at your make up not done right. And what is right anyway. There are no parameters for having a level of outer beauty that can define you. There is no rule book made in the world that will label what beautiful should look like.

I have seen and met women who have had plastic injected into their bodies, some even as young as 25 years old, to achieve perfection of their shells as I like to call it. And believe me it doesn’t look as charming as the one whose radiance shines through her eyes.

I know we have been bombarded with fashion magazines inflicting on the fact that beautiful looking people experience life very differently from the average looking ones. Strangers walk up to them complimenting them on their beauty, physical appearance and their confidence. And how they have the advantage of that coveted job, and exceptional service at restaurants and stores, than the plain Jane’s ever do.

But do you think these beach babes or even actresses look perfect 24/7?

No way!! It’s all about the make-up, the lights and angles, and a whole team of stylists who make sure they look as close to perfection can get, before their pictures are shown to the public.

Some women on the other hand may or may not have the drop dead gorgeous looks and may not always be shining or perfect. Their beauty is not only about wearing the perfectly fitted dress or having flawless skin. They may not feel the need to smooth out their wrinkles surgically or wearing hair extensions to look pretty. For them beauty may have an altogether different meaning.

The internet is an insanely wonderful place. And we are living in an era where technology like photo shop and air brushing, literally makes all things possible.  With an entire industry focused on masking flaws and insecurities about you, it’s difficult not to get swayed by the whole exercise

However if I could use this platform and say this one thing to the woman who has started to feel the heat of not being “insta-worthy perfect”, is to see how truly wonderful and beautiful she really is. I would tell her to break the so called stereotypes of perfection in beauty, and see beyond the outer skin and find the purity and love in their own heart.

And as for me, lazing in my pj’s , my hair coiled up in a messy bun, my face clean of any makeup and not having the need to check on myself in the mirror every 2 minutes is like being in a state of constant bliss.

I feel beautiful when the people closest to me tell me how much I mean to them.

I feel beautiful when I can put a smile on someone else’s face.

I feel beautiful, when I see the flaws in me, and my skin and accept them knowing that there is no pressure to being a perfect beauty.

When I am walking barefoot on the beach, the waves kissing my toes, the wind blowing through my curls and making them even more unruly, the setting sun casting its warm golden glow on my face, and the peace filling up in my heart in knowing that I am loved for just being me -that’s when I feel utterly and completely beautiful.

How about you?

When do you truly feel beautiful? Do share in the comments.





Love hurts


You know the inevitable will happen. And you start preparing yourself mentally to accept things. But no matter how prepared you are to that , you are never ready when it does. All your fears and pains just cling to your heart till you can take it no more and you are on the verge of a breakdown.

And then there is this thing – you have to smile through it all even though you are breaking apart from the inside. You hide your pain from the people around you and find excuses to run to the bathroom so you can cry your eyes out. But even then the pain refuses to leave your body .

So what do you do? You live with it till you are numb to all of these emotions. You smile through your tears , but dying every moment while you are still breathing. 

Why does loving someone hurt so much?
